Listed are World Wide Web sites of possible interest to members of the 17th Troop Carrier Squadron, The Firebird Association, and other aviators. Please send additions to: Firebird Association Webmaster . |
Airlifter Home Page - Sam McGowan is a former C-130 crew member and outstanding writer. |
The Unofficial VXE-6 Webpage - Webmaster is former VXE-6 LM, Joe Hawkins |
C-130 Hercules Headquarters - Superior page on the C-130 and its various missions. |
The Commemorative Air Force - Formerly the Confederate Air Force |
Imphal: The Hump and Beyond - USAAF Combat Cargo Groups of WWII |
National Archives and Records Administration - Source of U.S. Government Records |
Military Aviation Servers - Excellent source for aviation news...military & civilian |
Dyess AFB History - Home of the Firebirds from 1961 to 1964. |
Elmendorf AFB - Home of the Firebirds since 1964. |
Manitoba Aviation Page - Canadian Aviation Web Sites, Canadian Weather |
American Veterans Confirmation Service - Find Veterans and Associations |
Sam's C-130 Page - Historical & informational page on C-130 and its various missions |
Pima Air and Space Museum - Current home of C-130D (70-493). |
Cape Newenham, Alaska - Home of the USAF 794th AC&W and White Alice |