C-130 Hercules Era |
517th Airlift
Squadron Wins Rodeo '98 - Courtesy of 3rd Wing Public Affairs,
Elmendorf AFB, Alaska |
Northern Edge History – Published 2006 |
Arctic Village
Christmas Mission - Firebirds program began 28 years ago (June 22, 1999) |
517 Airlift Squadron
Delivers Food and Toys - to Vashraii K'oo, an isolated Alaska village
(June 22, 1999) |
Firebirds trek
to remote Arctic village - By Staff Sgt. Jim Fisher -
September 3, 1999. (Sept. 9, 2000) |
517th Crew
Receives Lt. Gen. William H. Tunner Award - June 14, 2000. (Sept. 9, 2000) |
Remote site
mission: no typical day – Published in Jaunt magazine, April 14, 2006 (August 8, 2007) |
Typical day for 517th
anything but ordinary – Published 11-22-2002 |
Elmendorf squadron takes
holiday cheer north - 3rd Wing
Public Affairs, Published:
12/17/2004 |
U.S. to help
fix Indonesian planes – CNN Published: January 18, 2005 |
A lift for life:
Elmendorf C-130 crew helps save infant – Published January 11, 2004 (August 8, 2007) |
Christmas – Courtesy of Code One magazine |
517th returns from
tsunami relief mission - (August
8, 2007) |
Elmendorf bids
farewell to C-130 – Courtesy
of Anchorage Daily News, March 26, 2007 |
C-130 Flight of the 517th with Sammie Hunter (August 8, 2007) |
Final Chapter - Master Sgt B.A. Lund, loadmaster, 517th Airlift
Squadron (August 9, 2007) |
Airmen bid farewell
to Alaska's fleet of C-130s
- By SHARON G. McBRIDE/Frontiersman 03-27-2007 |
C-17 Globemaster III Era |
USAF C-17 Fact Sheet
– 517th
Changes to C-17 Aircraft (August
9, 2007) |
First C-17
Globemaster III Arrives Elmendorf - June 11, 2007 (August 9,
2007) |
Spirit of Denali
Arrives at EDF - (August
9, 2007) |
celebrates C-17 arrival - (August
9, 2007) |
C-17 Globemaster III completes air drop during Red Flag-Alaska |
Exercise Red Flag Alaska
2007 – (November 27, 2007) |
Maggie the Arctic Elephant – (November 27, 2007) |
Pachyderm PCS – (Nov mber 27, 2007) |
Pachyderm PCS 2 – (November 27, 2007) |
Pachyderm PCS 3 – (November 27, 2007) |
Maggie Migration - (November 27, 2007) |
Pachyderm PCS 4 - (November 27, 2007) |