April 13, 1933 - May 27, 2004 |
Vacaville resident Col. David L. "Buck" Buchanan passed away May 27, 2004. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at 10 a.m. June 5, at Community Presbyterian Church, 425 Hemlock St. in Vacaville. Pastor Jim Jensen will officiate. Col. Buchanan was born in Breckenridge, Texas on April 13, 1933. He grew up in the small Texas community where he married the former Kay Hallmark, also from Breckenridge. Col. Buchanan achieved his wings and his Air Force commission in May 1955 after attending Texas A&M University and completing the aviation cadet program. His decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal and the Combat Ready Crew Medal. His retirement in 1985 culminated a 30-year military career. Buck was very active in his church, serving on several committees. He was a member of the Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery Board as well as a volunteer for the FISH program. He was lovingly called "our number one volunteer" by the Festival of Trees Board for his long-term commitment to helping raise funds each year for the Opportunity House, Vacaville's homeless shelter. His loving family and many friends will miss his love, humor and wonderful smile. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Kay; his sons and daughter-in-law, David and Karen of Houston, Texas, and Michael and Clare of Ripon; grandchildren, Shanna and Matt of Houston, Texas; brother, John Buchanan of Albuquerque N.M., and sisters, Sue Green of Bayfield, Colo. and Margaret Gregory of Abilene, Texas. Memorial gifts may be made to the Festival of Trees, 425 Hemlock St., Vacaville, 95688, or The Memorial Fund, Community Presbyterian Church, at the same address. Arrangements have been made by the Vaca Hills Chapel Funeral Home. The Reporter, Vacaville, California |