Shimmering ball gowns complete with fur wraps will
highlight the "Harvest of Fashions" show Tuesday at
the 17th Tactical Airlift Squadron Wives luncheon in the Elmendorf
Air Force Base Officer's Open Mess. Models for the show include
from left, Mrs. Peter Goch, Mrs. John M. Root, Mrs. Sidney M.
Marcus, and Mrs. William E. Bless. Fashion commentation for the
autumn show, which begins at 1:00 p.m., will be Mrs. Candee Frankel,
Sears fashion coordinator. Mrs. Ken Bethe, general chairman of
the luncheon, will be assisted by Mrs. Donald R. Gould, program
chairman, and Mrs. George M. Gregelein, music chairman. The luncheon
menu was selected by Mrs. David L. Buchanan.
Sourdough Sentinel
circa November 15, 1967
Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
Courtesy of John Root, Firebird Pilot
A "Harvest of Fashions" from Sears was shown by the 17th Tactical Airlift Squadron wives at a luncheon Tuesday at The Officers' Open Mess at Elmendorf AFB. Commentator for the autumn fashion show was Mrs. Candet Frankel, fashion coordinator for Sears.
Hair styles created especially for each model were done by La Riviera Beauty Salon. Mrs. J. S. Smithendorf, a Revlon representative and a member of the Officers' Wives Club, assisted the models with their make-up for the show.
Mrs.. William E. Bless and Mrs. Peter Goch were fashion show chairmen. The models showed approximately 36 costumes in a complete range of sizes. Casual, daytime, and afternoon outfits were featured as well as gowns for the Christmas bride and the bride's mother. Shimmering ball gowns complete with fur wraps highlighted the show.
Models showing the costumes were the Mmes. Kenneth E. Bethe, L. E. Morlock, S. M. Marcus, W. H. Ott, R. D. Reaves, J. A. Surber, F. H. Zerson, T. E. Huddleston, V. M. Spratt, Roger Johnson, Peter Goch, W. E. Bless, J. M. Root, and Miss Karen Mulanax.
The show was staged in scenes with appropriate organ music for each scene by Sgt. John C. Goult. The organ was furnished by L & L Music Company, Anchorage.
Mrs. F. K. Brackbill and Mrs. L. W. Sharrow were decorations chairman. Antique plaques, which adorned the luncheon tables were given as door prizes at the end of the program. All other decorations were furnished by Sears to complete the autumn theme.
Mrs. K. Bethe, general chairman of the luncheon was
assisted by Mrs. D. R. Gould, program chairman, and Mrs. G. M.
Gregelein, music chairman. The luncheon menu was selected by Mrs.
D. L. Buchanan.
Anchorage Daily News
November 15, 1967
Article courtesy of:
William E. "Bill" Bless, Firebird Pilot