New Breed of Pilot Tames
17th Troop Carrier
Squadron Moving to Alaska
17th Troop Carrier
Squadron's Hanger Burns
Dyess Crew Aids In Mercy
Flight - Capt. Gary Schmidt and
Operation Ice Cap
- The 17th TCS Mission in Greenland
As Goes the 17th So Goes
the Wing - Abilene Reporter-News,
August 10, 1961 (June 18, 1996)
Coleraine Flier Cited
- Lieutenant William Hitchcock, 17th TCS in
WW II (June 24, 1996)
Iron Mike Escapes From
317th FIS - Mascot Kidnapped by
17th TCS Officers (July 14, 1996)
Show: 17th TAS Wives - Elmendorf
AFB in 1967 (Sept. 7, 1996)
Operation Cool Dew 1968 - Firebirds
resupply DYE sites (Dec. 29, 1996)
USAF Under Secretary
Visits Ice Cap (1970) - Firebirds
spend night on Ice Cap (Dec. 9, 1996)
Sparrevohn Accident
- Captain Robert W. "Bob" Roulston and
(June 25, 1998)
517th Firebirds Play
Santa Claus - Christmas tradition in
(May 9, 1999)
Don Bowers Killed on
McKinley - Former Firebird Pilot (June 21, 2000)
Friends Recall Don
Bowers' Energy - Anchorage Daily News
article (June 25, 2000)
Bowers a Man of Many
Parts - Lew Freedman, Anchorage Daily
News Sports Editor (June 26, 2000)
Don Bowers Obituary
- Anchorage Daily News (July 18, 2000)
Skiing on the Greenland
Ice Cap - The Legacy of Daedalus - War Stories and Flying Tales.
(March 20, 2001)
Don Bowers NTSB Report 1
- Anchorage Daily News (May 18, 2001)
17th TAS Delivers
Scientists to Ice Cap - Article circa August 1972 is courtesy of Mearl
Nichols (July 13, 2001)
Dyess C-130 Loses Prop
- Adventure of Ray Sancton and Gerry Aycock in 1961 (July 19, 2001)
Gary Lattin and Guy
Ridgeway - 17th TCS Commander views new squadron emblem (July 19, 2001)
Green Hornets Rescue
Child - Article courtesy of Richard Wright and dated 14 Sep 60. (01-05-02)
Phil Collins Article
– Phil recalls his time in C-130’s including the C-130D (30 Jan 2006)