The famed "Iron Mike," displaying his usual fearless fortitude and nerves of steel, engineered a daring scape from the 317th Fighter Interceptor Squadron in front of hundreds of officers at the Dining-In recently. An attempt to catch him was made by 317th members, but with the aid of a few plucky bystanders, he managed to make good his getaway.

In an interview held in an undisclosed place, the iron juggernaut was asked his reasons for deserting the fighters. "I'm tired of these local flights and dinky deuces.* I want to see more of the world, and fly some actual combat. You know how it is, you get bored with parades and parties. No more fun and games for me! I'm going to do some serious flying with the 17th Troop Carrier Squadron, if they'll have me."

The commander of the 17th upon hearing of Iron Mike's request, promptly granted his asylum with, certain reservations, and honored him with the title of Ice Flight Commander.

*deuce = F-102 Delta Dart

Editor's Note: Officers of the 17th Troop Carrier Squadron (the plucky bystanders) "kidnapped" the 317th's mascot (a suit of armor) during a formal Dining-In ceremony at Elmendorf AFB.

Sourdough Sentinel
Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
circa mid 1967

Article courtesy of:

Richard L.W. "Dick" Henry
Firebird Aircraft Commander